Long Whiskered-Owlet Trail

This birding tour focuses on the least-known and most endemic-rich areas of South America; targets geographic specialties on the rich and diverse habitats of northern Peru, including tropical lowlands, foothills on the western cordillera through arid intermontane valleys and up over the eastern Andes. Enjoy the fanciest of all hummers, the Marvelous Spatuletail, Long-whiskered Owlet one of the most enigmatic and least known of South America’s birds, dozens of hummingbirds, tanagers and more. This tour focuses on the Alto Mayo Protected Forest and the newly created private reserves at Abra Patricia and Alto Nieva. 


  • Delight with killer views of the world´s most beautiful hummer the Marvelous Spatule-tail during a visit to the Huembo Interpretation Center
  • Face to face encounters with various range-restricted antpitta species
  • Discover hidden bird treasures as you explore the Alto Mayo Reserve
  • Gain premier access to various secret bird feeders in the company of our expert guides.

Day by Day

Full day birding in the vicinity of Tarapoto visiting the AKONABICH Center to enjoy various bird feeders here we have excellent chances to admire the peruvian endemic  Koepckes Hermit along with White-necked Jacobin, Violet-headed Humminbird and various others. Afternoon visit of the Ricuricocha Lagoon with Comb, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, various herons and egretts to mention some. Night in Tarapoto.
Morning pick up from your hotel to start our drive to the famous Abra Patricia. There are few birding locations in South America as famous as ABRA PATRICIA. Ever since a series of expeditions in the 70s and onwards, the birding world has known of the avian treasures in this area. A comfortable lodge at the high point (2,300 masl-7,800 feet) built a few years ago has made access to birding much easier. On this tour we spend enough time birding trails around lodge and driving at various altitudinal zones between 2,200 to 1,000 masl. Exploring side trails we may see the new Johnson´s Tody-tyrant, Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant, Bar-winged Wood-wren, Royal Sunangel, Straw-backed, Metallic-green and Blue-browed Tanagers. We may hear or see if we are lucky Ochre-fronted (endemic) or Rusty-tinged Antpittas (endemic). Fiery-throated and Scaled Fruiteaters, Cock of the Rock, Lanceolated Monklet., Fine-barred Piculet (endemic). Night birding depending on weather conditions should be good here with Rufous-banded Owl, Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Rufous-bellied Nighthawk, Cinnamon Screech Owl.  We will also try for the rare and mysterious Long-whiskered Owlet. Night at Abra Patricia.
Full days exploration of lodge trails and a special visit to the Huembo Interpretation Center to enjoy great views of the most amazing hummers, the glorious male Marvelous Spatule-tail, this peerless hummingbird is among the best bird in the world!! And clearly a most wanted on any trip to northern Peru. Other hummers attracted to the feeders include Little Woodstar, Andean Emeralds, Violet-fronted Brilliant, Sparkling Violetears, White-bellied Hummingbird, abundant Chesnut-breasted Coronets amongst others. A short drive from lodge will bring us to Alto Nieva Reserve where we have the chance to observe the very range restricted Royal Sunangel, others include Peruvian Pied-tail and more. Nights at Abra Patricia.
Early morning birding at Abra Patricia and then onto puente Aguas Verdes further down slope from Abra Patricia, here the road passes through beautiful lower upper tropical forests where another set of new and exciting birds will await us in excellent roadside habitat. We hope to come across a mixed species flock that may content several tangara tanagers such us Paradise, Orange-eared, Silvery, Blue-browed, Blue-necked, Golden-eared and lots more, others include Black-faced Dacnis, Gray-mantled Wren, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Black-mandibled Toucan, Versicolored Barbet and the endemic Black-bellied Tanager. Afternoon arrival to Waqanki Lodge in Moyobamba at (850 masl-2,800ft) on time to bird its pretty amazing hummingbird garden. The spectacular male Rufus-crested Coquete, Black-throated Brilliant, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Blue-tailed Emerald, White-necked Jacobin and others. The lodge features a very exquisite orchid garden, here we hope to find some in bloom. Night in Moyobamba. 
Full day at Wakanki Lodge, another opportunity to bird the grounds and enjoying quality time for photography at hummingbird garden. Lodge has various trails excellent for Mishana Tyrannulet, Scarlet-breasted Fruiteater, Purple-throated Euphonia and more. Depending on weather conditions and your energy level there is the possibility to go owling in the vecinty looking for Tropical Screech-Owl and Black-banded Owl. Night at Moyobamba. 
Early morning birding at lodge clearing, then we will continue our drive to Tarapoto stopping at Quisqarumi, this cave under a bridge has the most accessible Oilbird colony in Peru, we will stop and take scope views of this mysterious birds. We will continue onto Tarapoto on time to be on our mid-morning flight back to Lima.